Thursday, September 29, 2016

Rhyme Time

The kinders are doing amazing with rhyming! We have been practicing the phonemic awareness skill of rhyming daily.  Students have loved listening to familiar nursery rhymes, Dr. Seuss stories and poems while listening for rhymes.   Last week we used sentence starters and picture cards to create our own rhymes – and as you have seen – the class had some creative answers! 
This week we are off to a great start, practicing rhymes in small group games and whole group activities such as “I spy a rhyme.” We played with picture cards “I spy with my little eye something that rhymes with the word goat (i.e. coat).” This game would be great to play at home, in the car or when you are out and about with your child! 
I am even more pleased to hear from our music teacher that our kinders are applying the rhyming in her class as well! Students love sharing rhyming words with Mrs. Baney!!